Whenever I take a look around in the world that is stretched along the limits of my sight, I see nothing but ME. If I were to define the whole world in one word then the world would be nothing more or less than ME. Paulo Coelho says that when anyone dies in this world, a part of the world also dies with him because now no one would be there to observe this world as he used to do and this world is nothing but all that we see and observe.

What I’m saying is to take the certain notion to the next level. The world doesn’t define you rather you’re the one who defines the world; you are not the part of the world rather the world is a part of you. Imagine of all that is around you as a part of your personality being reflected back at you. As they say, a friend is a mirror of his friend. When we observe people we don’t treat them as they are, because it’s something that we simply can’t do as human brain takes decisions on the basis of observations or perceptions it has built over a certain period of time. So, we only observe and perceive about people according to what is already present in our minds instead of how it should actually be perceived or observed. That makes us bound to the fact that for a certain person the whole world and everyone in it is nothing but himself.

Nothing in this world is non-relating to anyone, who is on this planet. A lot of people that you don’t know are just the undiscovered parts of your personalities but when you confront them, you just learn how to get along. Similarly, as everyone in the world is a part of me, I’m also a part of everyone and we are all a part of some greater reality, known as GOD. Treat the whole world as yourself when you treat yourself as a part of GOD. That way, a lot of problems regarding relationships with sinking ships will be automatically be resolves. May God help us all!
Message from Freedom Writers: Everything in the world fades into YOU. Find yourself and treat everything that fades into you as a part of you when you treat yourself as you fade into something greater, The God.
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